User Guide

  • How to add a new organization?
    Web Path: Dashboard > System > Entities > Add Organization > Provide all the necessary information > Save
    Device Path: N/A
  • How to add a new Business Unit?
    Web Path: Dashboard > System > Entities > Add Business Unit > Provide all the necessary information > Save
    Device Path: N/A
  • How to add multiple locations/warehouses?
    Web Path: Dashboard > System > Entities > Menu > Location > Add Location > Provide all the necessary information > Save
    Device Path: N/A
  • How to add customers into the GOIS-PRO system?
    Web Path: Dashboard > System > Entities > Menu button (vertically placed on left) > Customer > Add Customer > Select Ownership (if applicable) > Provide all the necessary information > Save
    Device Path: Home > Manage > Customer > tap + icon (Add customer- on top right of device screen) > Provide all the necessary information > Save
  • Can I import the customer list via Excel/CSV?
    Yes, with GOIS-PRO paid version. Please contact Support.
  • Can I add the company name or company ID instead of customer name?
    Yes, you can.
    Web Path: System > Entities > Customer > Add customer
    Device Path: N/A
  • Question: How to add vendors into the GOIS-PRO system?
    Web Path: Dashboard > System > Entities > Menu button (vertically placed on left) > vendor > Add Vendor > Select Ownership (if applicable) > Provide all the necessary information > Save
    Device Path: Home > Manage > Vendor > tap + icon (Add Vendor- on top right of device screen) > Provide all the necessary information > Save
  • Can I import my vendor list via Excel/CSV?
    Yes, with GOIS-PRO paid version. Please contact
  • Can I import the Inventory via CSV/Excel?
    Yes, with GOIS-PRO paid version. Please contact Support to initialize your inventory.
  • How to define new measurement units?
    Web Path: Dashboard > System > Entities > Menu (placed vertically on left) > Product Unit > Add Unit
    Device Path: N/A
  • How to define/map unit conversion factor for a product?
    Web Path: Dashboard > Products > Manage Products > Add/Edit Product > Product Info > Select Default Unit > Units & Unit Conversion Tab > Add Product Unit Conversion > Select From Unit and define conversion factor > Save
    Device Path: N/A
  • How do I change from English to metric units?
    Defining the default unit set (Metric or English) across the system is one time process which needs to be chosen by the user at the time of initial account setup process. Hence once defined it can’t be modified just to maintain the data consistency across the system.
  • How to add a new category?
    Web Path: Dashboard > System > Entities > Menu (left of the screen – vertically) > Product Category > Add Category > Select Ownership (only-if applicable) > Provide Category Name and Details > Save
    Device Path: Home > Manage > Category > + Icon on top right > Category Name > Save
  • How to map a category with a given product using device?
    Web Path: Dashboard > Products > Add/Manage Products > Edit Product > Product Info Tab > Default Category > Save
    Device Path: Home > Products > Tap on + icon > Provide all the necessary product related information > Select Category > Add Category > Choose Category > Save > Back > Save Product
  • Can we add sub categories under the primary ones?

    Yes, you may create sub categories by defining parent categories as:

    Web Path: Dashboard > System > Entities > Menu (Placed vertically on left of the screen) > Product Category > Add Category > Select Ownership (only-if applicable) > Provide Sub Category Name > Choose Parent Category > Save

  • How to add a sub user under a Business Owner account?
    Web Path: Login to business owner account > System > Users > Add User > Check the desired business units which you want associate/map with the new sub user > Continue > Provide all the necessary information under general, security, address, Profile, etc. tabs > Save
    Device Path: N/A
  • How to map a Business Unit with a sub user?
    Web Path: Login to business owner account > System > Users > Action > Edit (pencil icon) > Business unit mapping tab > click on Business Unit Mapping link > Select the desired business unit from the list of Available section > Click on the center icon says ‘click here to map the selected business unit with the user you choose’ > Ok > Save
    Device Path: N/A
  • How can I set user permissions? Can we add different user levels?
    Yes, you may add multiple sub users under one business owner account with their specific roles.
    Existing roles are Business Owner, Business Admin, Business Manager, Sales Executive (Least Privilege).
    To set a custom role for your business, please request
  • Question: How to change the password for sub users?
    A business owner can change the password for their sub users.
    Web Path: Dashboard > System > Users > Action (edit/pencil icon) > Security Tab > Change Password
    Device Path: N/A
  • I am unable to login from device as it says “you don’t have the database backup for selected Business Unit into GOIS-PRO server’. What to do?
    You just need to send a request email to for the same.
  • My web and device data mismatches. What to do?
    To import all your web data into your device (GOIS-PRO app); please Sync your device with the web server:
    Device Path: Option 1: Home > Sync > Sync All Option 2: Home > Sync > Settings > Changes after specific date > Choose old date > Done > Sync all
  • How to login GOIS-PRO web business owner account?
  • How to flush my device data to download a fresh copy from web server?
    Use Factory Reset option to flush all your device data.
  • How to delete some previous saved inputs of my GOIS account?
    Please contact for help.
  • I am unable to Login as system says “Your account is not active, please contact system administrator”?
    Step1: Please check your email account for “GOIS-PRO Account Activation and Verification” email and click on the given link to activate your account. You will get a message “Account Activated Successfully”.
    Step2: Try to login again with your valid credentials.
    Step3: If still unable to access, please request to to activate your account.
  • My account is locked. What to Do?
    Please send a request email to to unlock your account.
  • Can I attach a scan gun or external barcode scanner to GOIS-PRO web system?
    Yes, you may attach any compatible external bluetooth or wired scanner to scan the barcodes, else using the mobile app, your device rear camera can be used to scan the barcodes.
  • When I tried to register, system says “Email id already exists”, what do I do?
    If system says “Your email ID has already been registered on GOIS-PRO server”, then you can’t reuse it again to maintain the data uniqueness.
    You may try with some other email ID or write us to to delete your old registered account.
  • How to filter my data for a particular page?
    Under each individual page of GOIS-PRO system, you may find the “Narrow Your Search” option to filter the records for that particular page as per your requirement
  • What are the limitations with GOIS-PRO Free Plan?
    GOIS Free version is limited to 14-days free trial only to check the compatibility of your business. Trial can be extended by requesting to
  • Does GOIS-PRO support QuickBooks integration?
    Yes, GOIS does integrate with QuickBooks Online and Desktop Versions of accounting.
  • How the storage is calculated into the system for correct plan selection?
    Storage depends on the number of users and the number of products which you will be defining into the system. Every user will be performing some set of transaction into the system, however transactional data does not consume much storage in general, but if you will be adding pictures/images with the products/items, then the storage consumption will increase as for every transaction system will consume comparatively higher storage over cloud.
  • I would like to change my original email that I registered with and cannot figure out how? Please assist.
    Please send a request mail to GOIS Support for replacing your old email address with new email by providing your old registered email address and new email address for modification.
  • Does GOIS-PRO support barcode generation and printing?
    Yes, GOIS does support barcode generation and label printing. Even especially for barcode scanning, special functions has been provided within the system to get optimal experience.
  • I got a 0$/zero dollar invoice after registering for GOIS-PRO free version. Is this app going to charge me? I got an invoice for $0.00. What this invoice is for?
    Free Limit: Users: 1, Products: 25 unique SKU#, Storage: 10 MB over cloud.
    No, there are no charges applicable for a free plan. You may explore the GOIS-PRO system as much as you can with given free limit. The invoice you received is a system generated notification invoice.
  • In GOIS-PRO device (iOS) app, all the prices seems incorrect, for example: I have added a product with purchase price as $3600 and sales price as $4000, but my mobile app shows $36.00 and $40.00 respectively. What to do?
    This might be a case of device international region settings and related decimal format. GOIS recommends you to switch your regional setting in your iOS device from your current country/region to United States.
    To change your iOS device Settings: Go to Settings > General > Language and Region > Region > United States
  • System is not allowing me to change the sub user role assigned with a user under my business owner account. What to do?
    Due to business safety reasons, once a user is created with some role then there is no permission to modify the same. However if you wish you may delete the sub user and create it once again with desired role to assign the desired permission set.
  • How to add a default discount/tax to be applicable for whole Business unit?
    Web Path: Dashboard > System > Entities > Business Unit > Action (Pencil – icon to edit Business Unit) > Settings > Tax and Discount Rates
  • How to check which item is purchased from which vendor?
    Web Path: Dashboard > Products > Manage Products > Click on Product ID or Product Image > Product Detail > Purchase Order-Line Item Information
  • How to initialize the inventory?
    There are couple of options to accomplish the same as:
    Option 1: Add product stock to the inventory directly.
    Web Path: Dashboard > Inventory > View All Available Stock > Locate Product > Action > Add Stock (+ icon) > Select Location > Enter unit purchase and sale price > Enter qty. > Save
    Device Path: Home > Inventory > Add Stock > Select product > Enter Quantity > Save
    Option 2: Dashboard > Products > Manage Product > Locate Product > Action > Add Stock (+ icon) > Select Location > Enter unit purchase and sale price > Enter qty. > Save
    Device Path: Home > Product > Locate Product and tap to see details > Scroll down to bottom > Add Stock > Enter Quantity and Price > Save
    Option 3: Raise a Purchase Order by lining up multiple items with desired item quantities and Fulfill/Receive purchase order to check-in the ordered items and corresponding quantities to your inventory.
    Web Path: Dashboard > Purchases > Raise Purchase Order > Select ownership for PO (if applicable) > Provide necessary information > Add Order Items (Tab) > Add multiple order items > Select product > Provide qty. > Save
    Device Path: Home > Purchase orders > Tap + icon (top right of the screen) > Info Tab > Tap Vendor – Select > choose vendor > Scroll down to bottom > Save > Line Items Tab > +Add button > Select product > Provide qty. > Save
    Option 4: Import using CSV file.
    Web Path: Dashboard > System > Imports > Import Inventory > Download CSV Template > Provide the information > Request to support or upload by following the given guidelines
  • How to edit an inventory stock?
    Web Path: Dashboard > Inventory > View Stock By location > Action (view available stock in this location) > Action (view Stock Entries -icon) > Action (Pencil icon to edit) > modify the information > Save
    Device Path: Home > Inventory > Available stock entries > Select Product > Select Stock entry > Modify > Save
    Note: An inventory item can be edited from device until its stock entry is not synced with the web server.
  • How to delete an inventory stock for a particular product?
    Answer: Please contact and request to enable delete function under inventory module.
  • How does Quick scan function helps a user?
    Quick scan option allows a user for perform all the inventory related activities very quickly using barcode scanning or quick search.
  • How to use quick scan on mobile? How can I track a product’s stock quickly using mobile app?
    Web Path: N/A
    Device Path: Home > Quick Scan > Sync (if applicable) > Enter product name or SKU# in given text box or Scan a barcode > View Detail or perform quick actions as desired
  • My web system doesn’t show me the records in my inventory but I can’t delete the product as it says “Product is in use under inventory”. How do I find & delete zero stock inventories?
    Web Path: Dashboard > Inventory > View stock by location > Action – icon (view available stock in this location) > Narrow your search > Check the given box “View All” > Filter > Action (icon-view stock entries) > Action (icon- Delete) > Ok
    Device Path: N/A
  • How to transfer a stock from one location to another location? How to transfer stock across multiple locations?
    User can create Transfer Order for Bulk Stock Transfer for different products at a time or may go with individual item level transfer function.
    Individual – Item Level Transfer
    Web Path: Dashboard > Inventory > View all available stock > Action-icon (Transfer stock between locations) > From Location (Enter Qty. to be transferred) > Select To Location > Transfer
    Device Path:
    Option 1: Home > Inventory > Transfer Stock > Sync if required > Select product to be transferred > Select Source Location > Select destination Location > Enter Transfer qty. > Apply
    Option 2: : Home > Quick Scan > Hit barcode icon (top right) to scan barcode > Quick Actions > Transfer Stock > Select product to be transferred > Select Source Location > Select destination Location > Enter Transfer qty. > Apply
    Bulk Transfer
    Web Path: Dashboard > Transfers > Punch Transfer Order > Select Source and Destination Location > > Transfer Items (Tab) > Start searching/Scanning of items and line up with desired qty. > Save > Transfer
    Device Path: Home > Bulk Transfer > Create Transfer Order > Sync the data (if prompted) > Select Source and Destination Location > > Transfer Items (Tab) > Start Searching/Scanning of items and line up with desired qty. > Save > Transfer & Close
  • How to make the stock adjustments in my inventory for damaged or returned sales?
    Web Path: Inventory > View All Available Stock > Action – icon (Adjust this Product’s stock item) > Provide necessary details (Adjustment Reason, Qty, Type, etc.) > Adjust
    Device Path:
    Option 1: Home > Inventory > Stock Adjustment > Select Location > Choose Product > Select Stock Entry > Adjustment Method, Qty. and reason > Apply
    Option 2: Home > Quick Scan > Hit barcode icon (top right) to scan barcode > Quick Actions > Adjust Stock > Select Location > Select Stock Entry > Adjustment Method, Qty. and reason > Apply
  • Is it possible to use the barcode scanning functionality when transferring stock from one location to another?
    Yes, in a multi-location environment, if a product stock is available in your inventory, then stock transfers across locations can be done using barcode scan function.
  • How to import stock at a location?
    Web Path: Dashboard > System > Imports > Import Inventory > Download CSV Template > Provide the information > Request to Support or Upload by following the given guidelines
    Note: Applicable in case of multi-location setup.
    Device Path: N/A
  • Can I manage Racks/Shelves/Bins to track my inventory?
    Yes, GOIS does support multi-level Kitting/Assembly/BOM function, please contact GOIS Support to enable this function for you.
  • Is there an option to create kits/assembly/BOM for inventory items?
    Yes, GOIS does support tracking of shelves/racks/bins at a given location.
  • Does GOIS-PRO system allow tracking of low stock items for reordering?
    Yes, GOIS system has a low stock report which shows a list of products whose inventory has been reached to the minimum threshold defined for a product. Further, system will allow you to raise a PO immediately for all the low stock items from low stock section itself without navigating to other sections.
    Web Path: Dashboard > Reports > Low stock report > Action (Select product) > Scroll down to bottom > Select more action > Create purchase order > Go
    Device Path: Home > Reports > Low stock report
  • Can I manage racks/shelves to track my inventory?
    No, GOIS-PRO does not support the shelves/racks at the current phase.
  • Is there an option to create kits from inventory items?
    No, at the current phase of GOIS-PRO system, we do not support Product Kitting. For more details, please contact GOIS Support.
  • How to add stock in my inventory at a particular location?
    Please follow the below path to add the product stock in your inventory. Web Path: Dashboard > Inventory > Stock Summary > View stock by location > Action (View all available stock in this location – Yellow icon) > Locate Product > Action (+ Icon) to Add New Stock > Enter unit purchase and sale price > Enter qty. > Save
  • How to export the inventory list into an Excel format? How to track the total available quantities of my inventory items in one shot?
    Web Path: Dashboard > Inventory > View all available stock > Scroll down to bottom > Select More Action > Download Entire View > Go
  • My inventory is not getting deducted on making sales, why?
    You need to change your sale settings; as currently your sale setting is not tracking your inventory and is making the sales from your product list directly.
    Web Path: Dashboard > System > Owner Settings > Sales Order Tab > Sale using product’s total or individual stock available at a location > Save
    Device Path: N/A
  • How to add a new Product?
    Web Path: Dashboard > Products > Add New Product > Provide all the necessary information > Save
    Device Path: Home > Products > Tap on + icon to add a new product > Provide all the necessary information > Save
  • How to add images with the products?
    Web Path: Dashboard > Products > Manage Products > Action (Edit/Pencil Icon) > Product Info tab > Image > Choose file button > Browse > Open > Save/Save & Back
    Device Path: Home > Product > Select a product > Tap on View Album under product image > Add Image > Mark the checkbox against the desired image > Save > Make it default by taping on selected image > Back > Save Product
  • How to use tablet/smartphone/iPad/iPhone to scan and add product barcodes into the system?
    To scan the product barcode using device rear camera, keep the device rear camera horizontally over the red line/green box under the SKU# field of Product option.
    Device Path: Products > + icon (to add new product) > SKU# (scan the barcode using device rear camera) > Provide necessary product information > Save
    Web Path: N/A
  • How to position a device to scan and add the product barcode?
    To add a product using barcode scanning, please keep your device rear camera horizontally over the barcode across the red line/green box under scanning section – SKU# field. It will pick the barcode smoothly.
  • How to make product free (Sale Price would be zero)?
    Web Path: Dashboard > Manage Product > Action (Edit Product – Icon) > Product Details Tab > Product Status > Is Free Product > Check > Save
    Device Path: N/A
  • How to add new fields to keep different sizes, colors, expiry dates, etc. for my business products? How to customize the system?
    Please contact to add custom fields, custom grids and custom reports for your business. GOIS system is highly flexible in such sort of customization.
  • How can I import a product list with categories and other product details?
    Web Path: Dashboard > Products > Import Products > Download and fill the standard product import CSV file > Continue > Browse > Upload
    Device Path: N/A
  • What are the instructions for filling Product CSV file?
    1. Please do not use any special/wild characters with your product data.
    2. All the fields are mandatory and must have the data in each cell for successful import.
    3. Do not modify/change the headers of the standard CSV file.
    4. Do not add new columns to the CSV file.
    5. Do not use/edit old files which have been used earlier.
  • How to edit a Product?
    Web Path: Products > Manage Products > Action (Edit/Pencil icon) > Edit desired information as required > Save
    Device Path: Home > Products > Tap on desired product > Modify information > Save
  • How to delete a Product?
    Web Path: Products > Manage Products > Action (Delete-icon) > Yes
    Device Path: Home > Products > Tap on desired product > scroll down to bottom > Delete
    Note: Any product which is linked with any of the section of GOIS-PRO system (PO, SO, Inventory, etc.) can’t be deleted to maintain the data consistency across the system.
  • How to download the product list in excel?
    Web Path: Dashboard > Products > Manage Products > Scroll down to bottom > Select More Action > Download Entire View > Go
    Device Path: N/A
  • I would like to delete items or products on my list which I don’t use or some zero quantity, how would I do this without effecting my historical record and calculations?
    Any item/product which is in use across different sections of the GOIS-PRO system (purchase, sales, inventory, etc.) can’t be deleted. As system maintains the data consistency all over the system for each individual product/item, hence deleting a product will affect the corresponding transactions from your historical data as well.
  • How can I create the kits/Assembly/BOM for different products to bundle them in one unique ID?
    GOIS does support multi-level Kitting/Assembly/BOM function, please contact GOIS Support to enable this function for you.
    Once enabled, simply add a new Product by choosing Product Type as ‘Composite Product’ under ‘Setting’ screen of ‘Add Product’ Option. User may line up sub items under a Composite product.
  • If I create multiple Business Units/Locations under my Business Owner account, do I need to create product list separately for each Business unit?
    No, GOIS-PRO system keeps all the products/items at organization level, so the product set would be visible across all the business units and locations within an organization.
  • If I create multiple Organizations under my Business Owner account, do I need to add my product list individually for each organization?
    Yes, each organization within a Business Owner account is treated as a separate entity and hence there is no inter linking in between the data (Products, PO, SO, Inventory, etc.) of two organizations. So you need to setup each organization individually with their corresponding data set.
  • How to raise/create a Purchase Order?
    Web Path: Dashboard > Purchases > Raise Purchase Order > Select ownership for PO > Provide necessary Vendor & Order information > Order Items Tab > Add multiple Order Items > select Product > Enter Price & Qty. > Save
    Device Path: Home > Purchase orders > Tap + icon (top right of the screen) > Info Tab > Tap Vendor – Select > choose vendor > Scroll down to bottom > Save > Line Items Tab > +Add button > Select product > Provide qty. > Save
  • How to fulfill a Purchase Order?
    Web Path: Dashboard > Purchases > Manage Purchase Order > Action (icon – click to fulfill order) > Select item > Fulfill > Select Product for fulfillment > Fulfill
    Device Path: Home > Purchase orders > Tap on desired order to be fulfilled > Info Tab > Scroll down to bottom > Fulfill All
  • When I am hitting the Fulfill button on my mobile device under Line Item Tab, a message pops up says “Please select an item to fulfill the order”, what to do?
    Device Path: Home > Purchase orders > Tap on desired order to be fulfilled > Line Items Tab > Mark the radio button/circle against a product > Fulfill
    Web Path: N/A
  • Can I fulfill a Purchase Order partially?
    Yes, you can.
  • How to edit a purchase order?
    Web Path: Dashboard > Purchases > Manage Purchase Orders > Action (Pencil icon-edit) > modify the desired information > Save
    Device Path: Home > Purchase orders > Tap on desired order to be edited > Modify information under Info and Line Items Tab > Scroll down to bottom > Save
  • How to delete an Open Purchase Order?
    Web Path: Dashboard > Purchases > Manage Purchase Orders > Action (Delete icon – click to delete order) > Yes
    Device Path: Home > Purchase orders > Tap on desired order to be Deleted> Info Tab > Scroll down to bottom > Delete > Device & Server
    Note: Partially fulfilled PO can’t be deleted from the system.
  • How do I delete Closed Purchase Order?
    Due to business safety reasons and to maintain the data consistency across the system, any closed purchase order can’t be deleted from the system.
  • Can I edit fulfilled purchase order? I want to add items to it.
    No, fulfilled PO can’t be edited due to business safety reasons.
  • How to print/e-mail purchase orders?
    Device Path: Home > Reports > Closed Purchase Orders > Mail (top right on device screen) > Enter Email ID > Send
    Web Path: N/A
  • How to email a report of all closed purchase orders?
    Device Path: Home > Reports > Closed Purchase Orders > Mail (top right on device screen) > Enter Email ID > Send
    Web Path: N/A
  • What is the GOIS Pro Reseller Program?
    The GOIS Pro Reseller Program is a profitable and lucrative business opportunity for small and medium business organizations and individuals, where they can become a Certified Reseller of Goods Order Inventory System Pro, an innovative inventory management application for Web, Android and iOS platforms.
  • What is the eligibility to become a GOIS Pro reseller?
    Any small or medium business organization or even an individual, who has a little knowledge about software reseller business, either in online or offline mode, can become a GOIS Pro Reseller.
  • How I can become a GOIS Pro Reseller?
    For becoming a ‘Certified GOIS Pro Reseller’, you can reach us through the following channels-
  • What are the benefits of becoming a reseller?
    Any small or medium business organization or even an individual, who has a little knowledge about software reseller business, either in online or offline mode, can become a GOIS Pro Reseller.
    a. Recurring Income Opportunity
    b. Profit Margins Up to 50%
    c. No investments required
    d. Zero joining fee
    e. Immense business potential
    f. Association with a globally recognized brand
    g. 24/7 Online Reseller Panel for Resellers
    h. Transparent and immediate profit sharing mode
  • What are the profit margins?
    Resellers can enjoy profit margins up to 50%.
  • Is it a recurring income opportunity?
    Yes, this is a recurring income opportunity as the reseller gets profit margins for every new subscription they fetch us and every time the user opts for package renewal.
  • Why this reseller program is better than others?
    GOIS Pro Reseller Program is based on fair, transparent, immediate profit sharing mode, which makes it more reliable than other reseller programs. Also, there is no joining fee for this reseller program.
  • Why I should associate with GOIS Pro brand?
    Goods Order Inventory Management System Pro is an innovative inventory management application, which has more than 50,000 users across the globe. GOIS Pro is designed and developed by MetaOption LLC, a renowned ‘Microsoft Gold Certified Partner’, based in New Jersey, US.
  • I don’t have any registered company. Can I become a GOIS Pro Reseller?
    Yes, you can become a Certified GOIS Pro Reseller.
  • I don’t have any experience in the reseller business. What to do?
    The dedicated and experienced online panel for ‘GOIS Pro Reseller Program’ will constantly guide you to flourish your reseller business.
  • I am already a reseller of any other business software. Can I still become a GOIS Pro reseller?
    Yes, you can become a Certified GOIS Pro Reseller.
  • I am a reseller of an another inventory management application/software. Can I still become a GOIS Pro reseller?
    Yes, you can become a Certified GOIS Pro Reseller.
  • I am not based in the United States. Still, I want to become a GOIS Pro reseller. Can I?
    Yes, you can become a Certified GOIS Pro Reseller.
  • What are the charges or fee for becoming a reseller?
    There are no charges/fee required for becoming a ‘Certified GOIS Pro Reseller’.
  • Do I need any additional investment for becoming a reseller?
  • Who would be my target audience for selling the subscription of GOIS Pro?
    Business enterprises and organizations with in inventory mantainence and tracking operations, individuals and all retail businesses.
  • Who will provide me training or product knowledge?
    The experienced developers of Goods Order Inventory System Pro will provide you product knowledge and training.
  • Who will provide technical support/assistance to the GOIS Pro users?
    We have a dedicated team of professional and expert technicians, who provide 24/7 support and assistance to the GOIS Pro users.
  • Is the support provided to the users free or chargeable?
    GOIS Pro users get the support absolutely free of cost.
  • Who will provide marketing collaterals?
    We will provide you official marketing collaterals for supporting your reseller business. For your specific needs, our team will assist you in creating new collaterals.
  • Can I promote your GOIS Pro on my website or social media platforms?
    Yes, you can..!!
  • Can I create a new website/blog or social media account for the promotional activities?
    Yes, you can..!!
  • Can I use the existing GOIS Pro website for promotional activities?
    Yes, you can..!!
  • Which business sectors can use GOIS Pro?
    a. Grocery Stores
    b. Apparel Stores
    c. Healthcare
    d. Food & Beverages
    e. Supermarket
    f. Electronic Stores
    g. Automobile Dealers & Service Centers
    h. Shipping & Courier
    i. Medicine Shops
    j. Restaurants & Food Supply
  • Why GOIS Pro is better than other inventory management applications?
    a. Automates your businesses’ complex inventory management processes.
    b. Business ready solution, which can instantly help your organization in inventory management.
    c. Compatible with Mac, Windows, Linux running PC and laptops
    d. Free GOIS Pro App for Android Smartphone, tablet and Apple iPhone & iPad
    e. Create Sales & Purchase Orders
    f. Highly Secured & Reliable System
    g. Data synchronization in real time
    h. Budget friendly subscription packages
    i. 24 x 7 Technical Support Available
  • How to add/punch a sales order?
    Web Path: Dashboard > Sales > Punch Sales Order > Select Ownership ( if applicable) > Provide all the necessary information for customer (Select/Modify customer), order information > Order items > Add order item inline or Add multiple order items > Select products > Enter Sale Price, Qty, Discount, etc. as desired > Save
    Device Path: Home > Sales > Hit + icon (on top right) > Info Tab > Provide/modify desired information > Scroll down to bottom > Save > Line Items Tab > Hit + Add or Scan button to line up the items > Select product > Provide all the necessary information > Save > Customer details Tab > Select/Modify customer > Save
  • How to edit a sales order?
    Web Path: Dashboard > Sales > Manage Sales Orders > Action (Pencil icon-edit) > modify the desired information > Save
    Device Path: Home > Sales > Tap on desired order to be modified > Modify desired information under Info, Line Items & Customer Details Tab > Save
  • How to dispatch a sales order?
    Web Path: Dashboard > Sales > Manage Sales Order > Action – Green icon (Click to Dispatch & close a sales order) > OK
    Device Path: Home > Sales > Tap on desired order to be modified > Info Tab > Scroll down to bottom > Hit Dispatch and Close button
  • How to unclose, delete or otherwise edit a closed sales order?
    Due to business safety reasons and to maintain the data consistency across the system, any closed sales order (dispatched) can’t be deleted/edited into the system. However if user wishes, closed order can be voided or returned back by choosing given option.
    For more details, please contact
  • How to track closed/dispatched Sales Orders?
    Web Path: Dashboard > Sales > View Sales Order > Closed Orders
    Device Path: Reports > Closed Sales Order
  • How to email an open sale order? How to send sales order email to my customer?
    Web Path: Dashboard > Sales > Manage Sales Order > Action (Email Icon (yellow) – Click to send email) > Enter email ID > Send
    Device Path: Home > Quick Sales > Open Existing Order/Add Items > Save > Receipt > Send Email
  • Is it possible to generate a custom Purchase Order/Invoice/Sales Order/Quotation/Work Order/Packing Slip/Picking List/BOM?
    Yes, any kind of custom Purchase Order/Invoice/Sales Order/Quotation/Work Order/Packing Slip/Picking List/BOM, etc. document can be created into the system by sharing a sample at
  • How to email the list of all closed sales order report?
    Device Path: Home > Reports > Closed Sales Orders > Hit Mail button (top right on device screen) > Enter Email ID > Send
    Web Path: N/A
  • My inventory is not getting deducted on making sales, why?
    Web Path: Dashboard > System > Owner Settings > Sales Order Tab > Sale using product’s total stock available at a location > Save
    Device Path: N/A
  • Is there an option to add a fixed value discount for a Sales Order? How to add total discount/tax for a sales order?
    Yes, there is an option to add a fixed value or Percentage discount in a sales order.
    Web Path: Dashboard > Sales > Punch Sales Order > Select Ownership (if applicable) > Provide necessary information > Discounts and Taxes (Tab) > Provide desired Discount/Tax details > Save
    Device Path: Home > Sales > Tap + icon to create new SO or edit > Info Tab > Save > Line Items Tab > Add items as required > Come back to Info tab > Discount & Taxes > Save
    Note: App will not allow you to add tax/discount until you line up items into an order.
  • How to add discount at product level while creating a sales order?
    Web Path: Dashboard > Sales > Punch Sales Order > Order Items (Tab) > Add multiple order items > Select Product > Provide Qty. and Discount details as desired > Save
    Device Path: Home > Sales > Tap + icon to create new SO or edit > Info Tab > Provide details > Save > Line Items Tab > Select item > Provide necessary details & Dis (%) > Save
  • Is it possible to generate a custom invoice?
    No, at the current phase of GOIS-PRO, we do not support the custom invoice feature into the system. For more details, please contact
  • What are QF, QH, QS, QB and PQOH in device app? How to check the product’s available qty. while lining up the item in a sales order without navigating to the inventory separately?
    Device Path: Home > Sales > Tap on + icon (top right corner to add new sales order) > Info Tab > Save > Line Items Tab > Tap Add (+) icon > An inventory list will open up having all the products exists in your inventory > Check Product Details (QH, QF,QS, QB, PQOH) or Tap on product > Qty. Available > Mention Quantity > Save
    Note: If Qty. available is lesser than the ordered Qty. then system will not allow you to save the sales order.
    QF: Quantity Fulfilled – The qty. which is fulfilled from Purchase orders.
    QH: Quantity On-Hand – The qty. which is currently available in your inventory (Including booked qty.)
    QS: Quantity Shipped – The qty. which has been dispatched from inventory
    QB: Quantity Booked – The qty. which is currently booked in any other sales order and still needs to be dispatched
    PQOH: Projected Quantity On Hand or the Qty. available for sale = Qty. on Hand – Qty. Booked
    Web Path: N/A
  • Is there a way to set an order quantity to auto-populate when the barcode is scanned?
    At the current phase of GOIS-PRO, user has to mention the quantity to be ordered for a product when a barcode is scanned; as there is no way to set the order qty. to be auto-populated
  • How to customize/define purchase or sales order number format for my business?
    Web Path: Dashboard > System > Owner Settings > Purchase Orders or Sales Orders > Define the format > Save
    Device Path: N/A
  • I Purchase items in $ and made sale in €, can I maintain two different currencies within an organization simultaneously?
    To maintain the data consistency across the system, system does only support one currency at a time under an organization, so it can’t be made different for Purchase and Sales.
  • How to change the currency for an organization or business owner account?
    Business Owner Level (applicable for all the organizations):
    Web Path: System > Owner Settings > Other Settings (Tab) > Currency > Choose > Save
    Organization Level:
    Web Path: Dashboard > System > Entities > Organization > Action (Edit) > Settings > Choose Currency > Save
    Device Path: N/A
  • How to change/choose the time zone settings for an organization or business owner account?
    Business Owner Level (applicable for all the organizations):
    Web Path: Home › System › Entities › Organization › Action (Edit/Pencil icon) > Settings > Time Zone > Save
    Organization Level:
    Web Path: Dashboard > System > Entities > Organization > Action (Edit) > Settings > Choose Time Zone > Save
    Device Path: N/A
  • How to change/define the display settings for the web and mobile interface?
    Web Path: Dashboard > Profile > Display Settings Tab > Define > Save Settings
    Device Path: N/A
  • How to give permissions to different users to access any specific/relevant location and corresponding data? Can custom permissions be defined?
    Yes, Custom permissions/Roles can be defined as desired, simply contact to with your requirement. System is highly flexible in terms of custom permissions and user specific privileges.
    Also dedicated Business Unit can be mapped to control the privileges while creating new sub user.
    Note: Each Business unit will automatically be associated with a unique location (by default) as provided by the system. So mapping a location with a sub user can be achieved by mapping a BU with a sub user.
  • How to change the Sale Option settings to deduct/track my inventory stock?
    Web Path: Dashboard > System > Owner Settings > Sales Order > Choose Sale Option > Save
    Device Path: Home > Settings > Choose Sale Option > Save
  • How to change the default shipment type?
    Web Path: Dashboard > System > Owner Settings > Sales Order > Default Shipment Type > Save
    Device Path: Home > Settings > Choose Shipment Type > Save
  • How to choose my web interface color theme?
    Web Path: Dashboard > Profile > Profile Settings > Select desired theme > Apply > Save
    Device Path: N/A
  • How to define the Purchase and Sale Order number format for my organization?
    Web Path: Dashboard > System > Owner Settings > Sales Order or Purchase order > Add prefix, suffix, order number length, etc. > Save
    Device Path: N/A
  • What is the difference between GOIS-Standalone and GOIS-PRO version?
    GOIS-Standalone is an older version restricted with limited functionality and is device dependent as it works in offline mode only. All your data resides in your device storage.
    However GOIS-Pro is a new cloud based system having web as well as mobile versions which incorporates all the useful functions to be helpful for a business owner in managing and automating the inventory. It supports online and offline working mode with real time data syncing across multiple users, organizations, business units, locations, etc. unlike GOIS-Standalone version.
  • What are the minimum device specifications to support GOIS-PRO app?
    As per the compatibility with GOIS-PRO app, please make sure that the device which you will be selecting must follow the given minimum criteria:
    512+ MB
    2+ GB
    Atleast 3+ Mega Pixel with Flash light
    Android Kitkat or better
    Minimum Dual Core or better
  • How much GOIS-PRO cost and how the pricing would be calculated?
    GOIS-PRO pricing is based upon business size and the criteria given below:
    Total Products/SKUs : ? ?
    Total Users : ?
    Organization/Company : ?
    Business Unit/Departments : ?
    Location/Warehouse/Bins : ?
    Vendors : ?
    Purchase Order Per Month : ?
    Customers : ?
    Sales Order/Invoice/Work Order Per Month : ?
    To customize your quote, please request with above parameters of your business.
  • Where to get the GOIS-PRO app for iOS (iPad & iPhone) device?
  • Where to get the GOIS-PRO app for Android (Smartphone & Tablet) device?
  • How to register for GOIS-PRO system?
    Simply visit and signup with basic information requested under sign up form.
  • I created an account, but did not receive an activation email?
    You may check your inbox/spam/junk folders of your email account. If you didn’t receive any email, then you may reregister for a new account.
    Perhaps you typed email id incorrectly or there might be some network/server related issue during registration process, you may also contact to GOIS support for any related help.
  • How to login GOIS-PRO web business owner account?
  • I am unable to login from device as it says “you don’t have the database backup for selected Business Unit into GOIS-PRO server’. What to do?
    You just need to send a request email to for the same.
  • How much GOIS-PRO costs for more than (1000 products or 25 users or 500 MB storage)?
    For Enterprise business requirements, please contact to customize your plan
  • Is there a recurring bill? Can I pay Monthly/Yearly?
    Yes. GOIS-PRO has a standard monthly billing. To convert your plan for yearly billing, please contact GOIS Support.
    All the plans are highly flexible and can be upgraded/downgraded at any moment of time to fulfill your business needs.
  • What are the recommended devices to run the GOIS-PRO app smoothly?
    For more details, please contact
    Recommended Device List:
    Samsung Galaxy Grand duos
    Sony Ericsson Xperia mini pro
    Coolpad Coolpad 5217
    Samsung Galaxy Note II
    Samsung Galaxy S4
    Samsung Galaxy S5
    Samsung Galaxy Tab3 7.0
    Samsung Galaxy Note (GT-N7000)
    Samsung Galaxy Note3
    Sony Ericsson Xperia arc S
    HTC Desire S
    HTC HTC Desire 500
    LG G3
    HTC HTC One
    Samsung Galaxy S3
    Samsung Galaxy S5
    Samsung Galaxy S4
    LGE LG F70
    Sony Xperia E3 Dual
    HTC Desire 510
    LGE Optimus L40
    LGE G3 Stylus
    Google Nexus 5
    Motorola Moto X
    Google Nexus 7
    Samsung Galaxy Tab3 7.0
    Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0
    Samsung Galaxy Tab4 10.1
    Samsung Galaxy Grand2
    HTC HTC One (M8)
    Samsung Galaxy E7
    Motorola DROID RAZR
    LG G Pad 8.3 LTE
    HTC HTC One S
    LG optimus LTE2
  • Do you have a tutorial video to demo how to use the software?
  • How do I upgrade from Free Trial to paid version of GOIS-PRO? How to upgrade the subscription to improve my account capabilities?
    Please contact with your GOIS account manager or write us at to convert your trial account to paid version.
  • Can my old GOIS-Standalone app database be migrated to GOIS-PRO system? How?
    Yes, it is possible to migrate your entire GOIS-Standalone database to GOIS-PRO system.
    Using GOIS-Standalone app, please export (via More > Export Database option) your database to your email address and then forward that database to us at
    Please let us know your GOIS-PRO account login Id with a request note to transfer your entire Standalone database to GOIS-PRO system under your account. We will import it for you on your request and will notify you for the same.
  • How to register a new card for payment?
    Web Path: Login > Dashboard > Subscription Info > Payment > Registered cards > Add Account > Provide all the necessary information > Save > Make the new card as default one by marking Is Default field to green
  • How to update/modify the existing card for payment?
    Web Path: Login > Dashboard > Subscription Info > Payment > Registered cards > Action (Preview payment account – icon) > Edit > Modify the information > Update
  • How to credit/add account balance to my GOIS-PRO business owner account for subscription payment?
    Web Path: Login > Dashboard > Subscription Info > Payment > Account Balance > Using Credit Card > Enter Amount > Pay using new card > Provide necessary information > Save & Proceed
  • How can I track my old payments/invoices?
    Web Path: Dashboard > Subscription Info > Owner Subscription > Payment > Payment history/Invoices
  • What happened if I am upgrading or downgrading my GOIS-PRO monthly plan in between the calendar month end?
    In case of upgrading and downgrading a package, applicable difference amount for unused service from monthly subscription price will be refunded back to the GOIS-PRO account balance/Wallet, which can only be used for the future payments of GOIS subscription.
    Important: Whether the GOIS service has been used completely for a month or not, once payment has been made, no any refunds will be made to the customer’s credit/debit card account directly.
    For more information about the refund policy please read our Terms and Conditions from
  • How can I pay multiple months’ subscription fees directly into your account without a credit or debit card?
  • How to unsubscribe from GOIS-PRO system? How can I stop my subscription?
    Web Path : Subscription Info > Owner Subscription > Subscription > Active Subscription > Stop Subscription
    Once done, please send a notification email to for the same to cancel your unpaid invoice – if applicable.
  • Can I ask for a refund? How to get my money refunded if system doesn’t suits to my business needs?
    GOIS-Pro recommends to all the business owners to test their business suitability with the 14-days trial first before moving ahead with paid version.
    As GOIS-Pro subscription is based on prepaid payment service for a month/year, so if a business owner quits the system in between the calendar month/year after subscribing for a paid version, no any refund would be applicable.
  • cannot login into the mobile app as it gives a message as: “You do not have any database available on GOIS server, please contact GOIS Support”. What to do?
    Please send a request mail to GOIS Support to create a new device backup for you to access your web data on your mobile device.
  • How to keep a backup of my device database to your GOIS server?
    Device Path : Home > Utility > Export Database > Backup in GOIS-Server > Export
  • How to flush my device data to download a fresh copy of my saved data from GOIS-PRO server?
    Device Path : Home > Utility > Factory Reset > Yes
    Web Path : N/A
    Note : Please make sure that you don’t have any new/un-synced/un-exported data on your device under GOIS-Pro app; as it will erase all your GOIS-PRO device app data and will download a fresh copy from GOIS-Pro cloud server.
  • The GOIS-PRO web system is loading and is taking more time than usual. What do I do?
    Step 1 : Open the browser.
    Step 2 : Login to GOIS-PRO web system.
    Step 3 : Hit (CTRL + F5) Key simultaneously to flush your browser cache & cookies.
    Step 4 : Logout and login again, then check. It should work.
    Logout and login again, then check. It should work.If you will be facing any trouble further, please feel free to contact us.
  • If my changed account settings are not reflecting on my device app, what should I do?
    Device Path : Login to GOIS-Pro app > Settings screen > Download Settings > Provide General Setting Details > Working Mode: Online > Save
    Doing so, all your new web settings will get downloaded into the device as well.
    Web Path : N/A
  • Can I import the data into the GOIS-Pro system from any external system or application?
    Yes, you can import your data from outside system to GOIS-PRO very easily. For any assistance, you may contact to
    Web Path : Login > Dashboard > Products > Import Products
    Device Path : N/A
  • What are the instructions for filling Product CSV file?
    • Please do not use any special/wild characters with your product data.
    • All the fields are mandatory and must have the data in each cell for successful import.
    • Do not modify/change the headers of the standard CSV file.
    • Do not add new columns to the CSV file.
    • Do not use/edit old files which have been used earlier.
  • How to clear my browser (Mozilla, Chrome, IE) cache?
    Firefox Mozilla : Browser Tools > Options > Privacy > Clear your recent history > Select Browsing & Download History, Cookies and Cache > Clear Now
    Google Chrome : Browser Settings > Show Advanced Settings > Privacy > Clear Browsing Data > Select Browsing History, Cookies, Cached Images and Files > Clear browsing data
    IE : Browser Tools > Internet Options > General > Browsing History > Delete > Uncheck (Preserve favorite website data) > Check (Temp Internet files, Cookies, history) > Delete
  • Can I cancel a payment that has already been processed?
    No, a payment once confirmed and the transaction is completed cannot be cancelled as the same is debited to the customer account online.
  • How can I confirm whether my transaction has been completed or not?
    After making a payment on GOIS-PRO website for your chosen subscription, you will get a confirmation status immediately with a unique reference number against your transaction. Also for every transaction, a confirmation email will be sent to your email with an invoice/ receipt against credit or debit card verification or payment status. GOIS-PRO always recommends to business owners to take a print of digital receipt/invoice as a proof of successful payment.
  • How do I contact my credit or debit Card Company to make a payment?
    To contact your card company regarding a payment, refer to the telephone number printed on the back of your payment card.
  • Where do I make a payment?
    Please reach your GOIS account manager to make an online payment. We support credit card, debit cards, PayPal payments.
  • I received a message that my credit or debit card company did not authorize my payment. Who should I contact?
    If your credit or debit card company does not authorize your payment, you should contact your credit or debit card issuer directly using the number on the back of your card.
  • What credit or debit cards can I use?
    We accept American Express, Discover Network, MasterCard, and Visa payment cards. However, not all credit and debit cards are accepted. The cards that are accepted will be identified when you make your payment.
  • Do I get a confirmation of the payment that I have made?
    For each payment transaction, you will receive a transaction reference number as an acknowledgement against your payment request.
  • Are my transactions safe?
    The security and confidentiality of your personal information is very important to us. GOIS provides you a best-in-class security standard for your online payment transactions, so that all your payment and business transactions made into the system are safe.
    Further, the online payment service is brought to you by GOIS in association with, the leader in electronic bill presentment and payment services. uses secure socket layer encryption technology to protect customers from unauthorized tampering or viewing of their account and billing information. Using SSL ensures that the information you exchange with is never transmitted over the Internet unencrypted and cannot be viewed by unauthorized individuals.
    Your data resides behind physical firewall that is configured to receive and process requests only from authorized personnel. is also certified with number of the leading certifying authorities for web-site security.
  • What if I need help in using the GOIS-PRO service? What kind of customer support do you offer?
    We consider you as a privilege and valued customer and would love to serve you best.
    For any assistance and queries, please feel free to join GOIS live chat on our website or dial toll free +1-888-745-3321 or write us at
  • What Credit Card Processors does GOIS-PRO currently connect into?
    GOIS-PRO currently has integration. We are integrating more Credit Card Processors soon. If you have specific credit card processors you would like us to connect with, please send an email to
  • Can we make a payment via PayPal or cheque to subscribe for GOIS-PRO service?
    For other payment methods than credit/debit cards, please contact at
  • What is a Coupon? How coupon works with GOIS-PRO?
    A coupon is a certificate with a stated value if it is used when purchasing a specified product in accordance with the coupon’s terms and conditions. The consumer presents the coupon to the retailer selling the product at the time of purchase. The retailer will reduce the cost of the product by the specified amount/value mentioned on the coupon. Coupons are issued by manufacturers to give consumers immediate discounts on the purchase of the specified items.
    A coupon gets benefits or discounts to the customers, depending on the type of coupon available to use. A customer can redeem the coupon at any point of time before its expiration and may get benefits on subscription as discounts while processing payments from their accounts on their desired packages. Proper submissions and redemption of coupons will reimburse the customer’s GOIS account balance/wallet which can be used to pay the subscription charges on their selected package. Reimbursement is applicable as per the face value of the coupon. Coupons must not be accepted from the customer after the stated expiration date and will not be honored respectively. Coupons cannot be exchanged, refunded, replaced or redeemed for cash and it is the users own responsibility to use a coupon code before it expires, and expired coupon dates cannot be extended in any case.
    Basic coupon fields:
    Description: A general description of the coupon that can be displayed to customers.
    Expiration Date: Coupons will no longer be redeemable after this time.
    Amount/Face value: The maximum value/amount that can be discounted from the subscription.
    Percentage: The given percent of the total selected package price that will be discounted from subscription.
    Coupon Code: The code that customers will enter to redeem the coupon.
    There are three types of coupon which we honor:
    One Time Coupon:
    This coupon is available to use for once at any point of time before its expiration. Once accepted or redeemed, the coupon amount will get added into the Available Account Balance of customer’s account, which can be used for processing payments on chosen subscription package. Once the coupon amount is added to the customer’s account, the coupon will no longer available for future use.
    Multiple-Use Coupon:
    This coupon can be used/redeemed multiple times to get the discount on your selected package on the basis of given expiration date.
    Discount Coupon:
    This coupon will give the discount (percentage or fixed) on the monthly billing of your chosen subscription plan. The one time or the recurring discount would be applicable as per the expiration date mentioned on the coupon.
    Percentage Coupon:
    This Coupon will give the customer a discount on his subscription equal to a specified percentage of the selected package price only.
    Fixed Price Coupon:
    This Coupon will give the customer a flat face value amount discount on his selected package in his subscription charges. Once activated, your coupon code remains available for repeated use with multiple transactions until its face value becomes zero for getting discounts in your subscription charges. It is the users own responsibility to use a coupon code before it expires, and expired coupons cannot be refunded or extended.
  • When does my coupon Expire?
    Your coupon will include an expiration date and are good through the end of the day specified.
  • How can I use coupons?
    Please follow the instruction to redeem your coupon as:
    Click on Pricing and License
    Choose your desired package and click on continue button.
    Enter the coupon code under Discount or Standard coupon section and hit Apply button.
    After successful redemption of your coupon, you will see the coupon value under the coupon amount.
    Now you can choose your GOIS-PRO account balance as one of your payment option while processing the payments of your subscription.
  • Can I sell my extra coupons?
    No, there is no legitimate way to sell your unwanted coupons.
    The sale or transfer of coupons is a violation of coupon redemption policies. These policies are generally printed on the coupons or are available on our website Any sale or transfer voids the coupon.
  • Where do I redeem my coupon online?
    To redeem, visit the website This location is unique for GOIS coupon redemption and is the only online location where your coupon may be used.
  • Can I get refund cash on behalf of my coupon?
    No, you can’t.
    If you are still unsure on how to process your coupon, please contact us at

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