Sales and Invoicing

Lift-up your sales revenue with workflow optimization & on-time delivery!

Keeping a trace of each individual sales order is a priority for every business and delivering orders on time for building long lasting customer relations is also important to grow in any market or industry. But managing multiple customer interaction points at the same time can become more complex if orders are flowing in from different sales channels.

In order to turn your sales process a customer centric, your order delivery process should be smooth for which you must be having a perfect sales order management system in place that makes it an exciting experience for customers to deal with you.

Inventory Management System

GOIS – A Complete Sales Order Management System Built For You!

Goods Order Inventory (GOIS Pro) provides an organized order management routine to improve your operational efficiency by minimizing your resources and inventory load that save both time and money. Apart from that if there are multiple units or departments serving a single order, a centralized order entry can designate an access privilege to one or more units or departments to fulfill it on time. Further it gives a liberty to employees from burden of excessive communication resulting in loss of time by improving sales visibility.

An efficient customer service that makes satisfied customers and keeps them intact for life requires a comprehensive order management workflow that is perfectly planned to meet individual’s business requirements.

Here is how GOIS works to boost up your order efficiency by serving different needs of a sales order management process?

Multi Channel

Multi-Channel Tracking

To cater customers from different aspects of a business, one should maintain fast and smooth services using multi-channel approach that provides a centralized environment to a company. GOIS at the same time offers a cloud order management solution that not only brings up different selling mediums under one dashboard, instead monitor useful information like customer history, real-time stock availability, product information, orders, shipment status, etc. across multiple business units and channels to bind up under one centralized unit for global accessibility. GOIS provides full control of an organization on your fingertips.

Quotations are seamlessly integrated within GOIS sales module. Executives can quickly generate an estimate against a customer demand and may send a quotation over customer’s email directly from the system. As customer confirms the quotation, it can be converted into the sales order in just once click to route through other phases of sales cycle like packing, shipment, delivery and billing to complete an order on time.


Easy transition from Quote to Sales


Quick Sales Ability With Barcode Scanning

Since your childhood, you have been looking at a Point-Of-Sale counter during shopping check-out, GOIS has provided a similar functionality that allows you to punch a sales order using mobile or web system where in sales executive doesn’t need to navigate through multiple screens to finalize a sale, all you need to do is to just scan-scan and scan or simply search for a given product to add a quick line item. Further user may add discounts, taxes or shipping charges and then send email invoices on the go. System provides order as well as item level discounts to an order.

Sometimes it happens when a customer request comes in, you might not be holding the sufficient stock to fulfill the demands at the moment due to which you might have loose some opportunities in past. To prove GOIS as a lifeblood for your business, GOIS Sales Order Management System automatically allocates available stock from your real inventory to accept an order and mark back order quantities for any out of stock items. User can also put the sales order on hold until the replenishment arrives from other locations or from vendors. Moreover GOIS provides an option to dispatch a partial sales with backordered quantities with multi-level backorder capability.

Sales BackOrder

Partial Dispatch & Multiple Back Order Processing
Capturing Digital Order

Sales Acknowledgement By Capturing Digital Order & Delivery Signature

GOIS allow your sales executives or service technicians to capture signature on the field and work area from the customers directly using their android/iOS smartphone devices to have real-time stock update against the orders and confirmation on the go. Moreover user can upload a signature image from their web account to update the order status on server.

The more your sales agents have to put in manual efforts on your sales process, the chances of error occurrences are more. Using GOIS custom dynamic template function, have your desired templates for Order Invoices, Shipping Labels, Packing Slip, Picking List, etc. with your company logo and banner to standardize your business by ditching out inaccuracies and saving lot of time.

Shipping Documents

Dynamic Shipping Documents (Invoices/Packing Slip/ Picking List) To Set Business Protocols

Forecast Supplies

Sales Intelligence to Forecast Supplies and Demands

Have graphical and tabular analysis on total profit, loss, sales, revenue, COGS, inventory stock, etc. with advanced filtering capability against orders, customers, dates, location, business unit and many more to reveal information of individual performances, supplies and demands, customer’s buying pattern and much more. Always keep an eye on all the business transaction to stay updated for future growth and opportunities.

If your business inventory has been organized in the form of lots or batches, GOIS Sales Management System is a one stop solution for you as it provides you the flexibility to punch and dispatch a sale from a given lot or a batch. Also you may track lot and batch level real-time inventories across your one or multiple warehouse and bins.

Forecast Supplies

Sale by Lot and Batch Number

Customer Information

Customer Information Management

GOIS lets you centrally manage customer specific sales activities. It provides a quick access to a customer information while creating an order which helps you lowering down order processing time to increase business productivity. Also by assessing recurring customer demands globally gives you a chance to build strong customer relations. Further system allows you to store multiple billing and shipping addresses and set the desired tax levels of a given customer.

To make your customers happy or after completing an installation/project or in a renting service, sometimes you might wish to collect specific items back from a closed or a renting order. GOIS allows you to keep a track of all returned items against any sales/renting order and adjust the inventory accordingly without manual efforts. You may also set a desired return duration to accept a returned order into the system.

Sales Returns

Sales Returns

Void sale

Void Sales

Now, don’t get worried from human errors or mistakes. Simply discard any incorrect sale to roll-in back the sold stock to an inventory automatically, which also allows you to punch a new sales as desired by maintaining appropriate stock levels.

Other Useful Features

  • LIFO and FIFO rule
  • Live stock tracking
  • Weight capture for items sold by weight
  • Buy, sell and stock in different units of measure
  • Easy follow-up process for turning quotes into orders
  • Provision for kits and assembly or work orders
  • Multiple category mapping with a product
  • User defined measurement unit
  • Vendor and purchase order management
  • Inventory History Report
  • QuickBooks Integration

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